Mitsui Fudosan Hotel Management


人と地球がともに豊かになる社会をめざして &EARTH

The Mitsui Fudosan Group is committed to social and economic development as well as
global environmental preservation under the principles of harmony and coexistence,
while working to link diverse values and achieve a sustainable society
as represented by its "三井不動産" corporate logo.

Under our "&EARTH" principle,
we recognize the need to create neighborhoods
that remain in tune with global environmental concerns.
This principle therefore reflects our aim to help establish a society
that enriches both people and the planet.

In VISION 2025, our long-term management vision,
our objective is to achieve a sustainable society and drive continual profit growth
by addressing ESG issues based on the philosophy of the Mitsui Fudosan "三井不動産" logo.
